Intuitive Slow Flow Yoga

intuitive yoga at impact hub tokyo
intuitive yoga at impact hub tokyo
intuitive yoga at impact hub tokyo
impact hub cafe
alex yoga for introverts closed eyes palms together

I’d love to invite you to join me in cultivating some inner peace in a refreshing yoga workshop.

Connect with your mind, body and soul. Practice deep concentration and become present in the moment. Invoke focus and clarity, connect with your inner purpose.

We will explore meditation, breathwork, yoga postures (asana), and afterwards enjoy some time for reflection and chatting. Come and find your community ☺️

The workshop will take place at Impact HUB Tokyo community space and cafe which is the perfect backdrop for us to practice accessing our inner peace.

If you’d like to enjoy a yummy lunch post-yoga the Deli at Communita (@deli_at_communita) at Impact HUB Tokyo starts serving lunch at 11:30 and has some great vegan and veggie options!

Whether you are new to yoga, an intermediate yoga practitioner or just want to practise in a comfortable space, this class is open to everyone! Please feel free to come!

Is this you?

– Feeling stressed & wired

– Tired body & mind 

– muscles tense from PC work

Go from that…to this…:

– Calm & relaxed

– refreshed, energised in mind & body 

– whole body completely released and tension released

Things to bring:

🌙 bring or wear comfortable clothes you can move in

🌙 a small towel

🌙 water

**Beginners welcome!!

Cancellations: We are not able to refund any cancellations made by the customer, thank you for understanding!

✨ You will receive an email after booking, if you are having problems booking please message me @alexlynnyoga on Instagram!


心と体とつながる時間を取りませんか。深く集中し、「今」という瞬間を楽しみましょう。集中力と明確さを呼び起こし、自分の内なる目的と繋がります。 瞑想、呼吸法、ヨガのポーズ(アーサナ)、リラクゼーションを体験した後はリフレクションの時間を楽しみます。自分のコミュニティを見つけてみませんか?☺️

このワークショップはImpact HUB Tokyoのコミュニティスペースとカフェで行われます。 ヨガの後に美味しいランチを楽しみたいなら、Impact HUB TokyoのDeli at Communita (@deli_at_communita)のランチがおすすめです!11:30から美味しいヴィーガンやベジメニューを提供しています!



🌙 動きやすい服装でお越しください(もしくは持ってきて、現地で着替えても)

🌙 小さいタオル


キャンセルについて: ご自身都合のキャンセルは払い戻しが出来ません。
